Successful Endeavours is a multi-award winning Australian Electronics Design and Embedded Software Development consultancy focusing on small to medium sized Australian manufacturers who want to improve their existing products, margins or market share through development of their next generation of market offerings and who are also wanting to keep their core Electronics Manufacturing in Australia. We have the technical credentials and business knowledge to understand that you need your product to work and also be profitable to manufacture and maintain.
Founded in 1997 by Ray Keefe, an Electronics Designer and Embedded Software Developer with an Honours Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and additional studies in physics and chemistry, our clients can get direct access to the potential for huge improvements in product function, reliability and margin through applying the right mix of electronics hardware and software to both new and existing market opportunities.
Successful Endeavours has been nationally recognised with Endeavour Awards in 2020 & 2022, a myBusiness Award in 2019, a PACE Zenith Award in 2016, the IOT Impact Innovation Award in 2018 and locally recognised by the Casey-Cardinia Business Awards as the Business & Professional Service Award winner in 2015, 2016 & 2018 and in 2019 as the Manufacturer of the Year, as well as by the City of Casey at the Casey Business Awards as Casey Business of the Year in 2010 and three times winner of the Business & Professional Services Award in 2010, 2012 & 2013 and the Innovation Award in 2013 and by Melbourne's South East Business Awards as joint winner of the Small Business Award in 2013. Successful Endeavours has developed products that have featured on ABC (Australia) TV's The New Inventors and at the Innovic Next Big Thing Awards.
At Successful Endeavours we recognise that better products using competitive technologies are the lifeblood of Australian Electronics Manufacturers, and good product development delivers better products. We are committed to doing what it takes to deliver better electronics products for your manufacturing business. We have the skill set and the mindset to ensure your market opportunity is realised and your production profits are maximised.